2016 XC Boys All South jersey Team
Runner of the year
Mike Ungvarsky - Cinnaminson
Robert Abrams - Cherry Hill West
Nick Falk - Cherokee
Joe Grandizio - Kingsway
Derek Gess - Haddonfield
Justin Kelly - Cherokee
Marc Meltzer - Cherry Hill East
Mark Miller - Shawnee
Tyler Parsons - Cherry Hill East
Jack Shea - Cherokee
Mike Ungvarsky - Cinnaminson
Nick Hutchison - Bishop Eustace
Andrew Caccia - Pitman
2016 XC Girls All South jersey Team
Runner of the year
Alyssa Aldridge - Mainland
Alyssa Aldridge - Mainland
Kara Bonner - Shawnee
Alyssa Condell - Timber Creek
Madison Coppolino - Sterling
Briana Gess - Haddonfield
Sarah Pierce - Cherry Hill East
Julia Rothstein - Clearview
Destiny Stanford - Kingsway
Isabella Turner - Shawnee
Rachel Vick - Kingsway
Alexa Weber - Ocean City
Grace Yoon - Cherry Hill East
Coach of the Year
Steve Shaklee - Cherokee
Dana Palumbo- Shawnee